God wants to warn you! // Prophetic Words – Eps 1

God wants to warn you! // Prophetic Words – Eps 1

A series of short sermons on bible prophecies for the end times, with pastor Miguel Diez.

In this program

Global Events and Eschatological Questions

Given the events we’re witnessing across the globe—pandemics, natural disasters, rumors of wars, wars, and all kinds of calamities—there’s a growing sense of anguish and widespread panic that leads many to ask the eschatological question: What is going to happen? What is coming next? Where are we headed? Without a doubt, God is awakening within us a thirst for divine answers because humanity can offer none. Not even weapons or science can provide a solution.

Responding with Prophetic Words

In response, we are addressing this critical situation through this program on radio and television, sharing prophetic words. We hope to have sufficient divine grace to fulfill this purpose, as I have received various revelations and prophecies that have been fulfilled with precision, having been written beforehand in the eschatological books of our ministry. I’ve had the blessing of writing works like “The Caterpillar,” “The Cankerworm,” “The Palmerworm,” and “The Locust,” clear and vivid metaphors for the four horsemen of the Apocalypse as recounted by Joel, speaking about the end times.

Additional Works and Their Significance

I’ve also written about “The Economy of the Kingdom” and “The Crescent Moon,” the latter addressing the immense and dangerous growth of Islam, and “The Latter Rain of Revival” that God will pour out after all these tragedies. Particularly, I recommend the book “Nimrod, the Last Beast, the Last Antichrist.” I urge you to read them because they are the result of many years of deep concern and prayer, seeking prophetic revelations from the Lord due to the responsibility of overseeing many thousands of people. This is why we heed and honor the biblical text of 2 Peter 1:19:

The Certainty of Prophetic Fulfillment

“And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”

We have the prophetic word more fully confirmed. When the Lord speaks, He gives us the certainty of faith that His prophecies will be fulfilled; no one can prevent them from coming to pass. Only He can change His mind, and He gives us prophetic warnings for our good, so that we may be wise and regain the fear of God, the respect for God. Let’s not turn our backs on Him; let’s not despise Him, which is a grievous sin. Let us leave all disbelief behind and take refuge in our Creator, our Savior, and our only true Protector. Let’s also remember what Proverbs 22:3 says:

Staying Alert and Prepared

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”

That’s why the Lord commands us to be watchful, to stay alert, with prudence and a longing to hear God’s voice. We must also be attentive to the schemes of the devil and the world, to the malevolent strategies, so we can be prepared with God’s warning and not be caught off guard. Our enemy seeks only to kill, steal, and destroy, but the Lord wants to protect us, and that’s why He gives us the prophetic word, the warning, the sound of the shofar, the alert we need every day in these perilous times.

The Lord’s Call to Vigilance

The Lord Himself clearly tells us in Matthew 24:42-44:

“Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

The Lord could come at any moment, yes, but not yet to take the church, for there are still many prophecies that need to be fulfilled, which He will accomplish quickly because He is accelerating His plan. However, He could call us individually or in groups, for if He says to our soul, “Come out of the body,” who can stop Him? This is clearly warned in Ecclesiastes 8:8:

The Reality of Death and Prophetic Warnings

“No man has power over the spirit to retain the spirit, or power over the day of death. And there is no discharge in that war, nor will wickedness deliver those who are given to it.”

This is the primary prophetic warning, for no one can escape its fulfillment. We know that we all must pass through that tunnel, that leap to the other side, and only those who participate in the rapture of the church will avoid physical death, experiencing in an instant the transformation of their weak biological body into a glorious one. But I don’t know if you and I will be part of that triumphant church, if we will reach that moment. In any case, there is no need to fear, because those who are in Christ do not experience death; the angel of death does not come for our soul.

Divine Revelations and Spiritual Warfare

Likewise, to live victoriously, winning the battles of faith each day, it is vital to have divine revelations about the satanic works that God allows. This way, we can say as Paul did in 2 Corinthians 2:11:

“So that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.”

We are not ignorant of any of his designs. We are clearly warned, prophetically, through revelations, through dreams, because the written word of God, the logos, becomes rhema to us, it is vivified, and we are surprised by the immediacy of its fulfillment or its vital importance. This allows us to be God’s trumpeters, to sound the alarm to our loved ones, our neighbors, and our fellow human beings, so that the enemy does not gain an advantage or opportunity. And when he comes, we are prepared with the weapons, with the armor of God, well-equipped with the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith, and most importantly, the helmet of salvation, which protects us from the mortal wounds of Satan.

Eschatological Responsibility and Seeking Divine Guidance

With this purpose, we bear a great eschatological responsibility in our time and a deep need to cry out to God for revelations of His plans, what He has already designed. He is glorified by having written the history of humanity in advance.

How can we not understand that God exists when we read the Bible and see that thousands of prophecies He has given have been fulfilled throughout history, and those that remain will certainly be fulfilled? This is why we must investigate, search the Scriptures, pray, and ask the Lord to reveal them to us, preparing ourselves as soldiers of Christ to fight in these terrible times, where the enemy, the devil, knowing his time is short, is using every possibility God allows him, with all his armies and maximum cruelty, according to the extent that God permits, trying to make the most of that short time.

The Challenge to Ask and Seek

In this eschatological need, we must respond to the challenge that God Himself presents to us. The Creator and Heavenly Father challenges us to ask Him, to request revelations, and He desires to grant them to us. This is stated in Isaiah 45:11, a verse I cling to with all my strength and use daily:

“Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: ‘Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; and concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.’”

I ask God with respect, with humility, but with the right He gives me. As children of God, He grants us royal rights and gives us access to the throne of grace to ask Him about such significant matters as the events that are to come. I say to God in my prayer: Speak to me, Father, about You, that I may know You a little more, for we know so little of You. You are so infinitely immense that Your wisdom is astonishing, and we fail to comprehend You, but we want to know You more and more, and You desire that we know You.

Seeking God’s Guidance and Assurance

Speak to us about the work of Your hands, that glorious, saving work, that work of forgiveness, of peace, but also of justice, the work You do with Your rod as Shepherd of all creatures and all You have created. Speak to us about Israel, Father, for we know they are about to enter a time of tribulation, as You have been instructing us in these recent years. Speak to us, my God, about Your servants, about Your people. Speak to us about Your church, Father, which will also be persecuted to be purified. Speak to us about the things that are to come and the schemes of the enemy that You will allow him to fulfill. Speak to us, Father, about our ministry, about Your servants, about Spain, about Europe. Speak to us, Father, and we will have faith.

Growing Trust and Understanding

If we listen to You, in the way Your Spirit produces conviction in us—a complete faith that it is Your will—then, Lord, You will cause our trust in You to grow each day. For although we may have only a small measure of faith, You desire to increase it.

The Nature of God’s Love and Purpose

Speak to us, Lord, of Your immense love. How everything You permit is out of love, for You do not want anyone to perish but for all to come to repentance. Behind the terrible events You allow, and even decree, is Your desire to turn people back to You. To repent, to ask for forgiveness, and for You to forgive and save them.

The Need for Continued Revelation

Keep speaking to us, Father. Do not remain silent; we need to hear Your voice. We will remain attentive to Your prophetic words.

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