The most powerful sermon an unbeliever can hear // Miguel Diez
A question everyone asks is; What is truth? Miguel Diez explains why the bible and the importance of faith is truth. This message can help unbelievers understand the message of the gospel.
Sin and Truth
Evil entered the world when Adam and Eve rebelled against God by disobeying His command in the Garden of Eden. This initial act of disobedience marked the beginning of sin’s presence in humanity. During His trial before Pontius Pilate, Jesus declared Himself to be the bearer of truth and the way to God. This statement emphasizes the importance of divine truth in restoring the relationship between God and humanity.
Belief and Salvation
Belief in Jesus Christ is essential to being considered a child of God. The Bible teaches that those who do not believe in Him are committing a sin by calling God a liar. Jesus, a Jew who lived in Israel, is presented as the incarnation of the Word of God, who brought grace, truth, and eternal life into the world. The law, including the Ten Commandments, was given through Moses to judge and accuse humanity of sin, not to save it. Salvation came through Jesus, who paid the debt of our iniquities with His blood on the cross. In heaven, there is more rejoicing over one sinner who repents than over 400 righteous people, indicating the immense joy over each redeemed soul.
Human Existence and the Afterlife
We are told that humans are the result of animal evolution and that everything that exists is a product of chance. Today, approximately 300,000 people will die worldwide, perhaps even 400,000 or more, and for most, it will come as an unexpected surprise. In contrast to this materialistic view, it is asserted that hell is a real place, and those who deny it are invalidating Jesus’ teachings. Jesus spoke about hell in parables such as the story of the rich man and Lazarus. In this parable, a poor man named Lazarus died and was carried to Abraham’s bosom, while a rich man also died and was carried to Hades, where he was tormented. The rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his five brothers about Hades, but Abraham replied that if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.
False Beliefs
For thousands of years, it was believed that the Earth was flat and the center of the universe. These ancient beliefs show how humanity sometimes clings to erroneous notions until the truth becomes clearer.
Current Events and Religion
Recently, a law was passed in the Canary Islands allowing people to legally change their gender. This type of legislation presents significant challenges to faith and morality, reflecting the cultural and social changes we face today.
Biblical Festivals
The Feast of Tabernacles, an important biblical festival, finds its fulfillment in Jesus. This celebration, which originally commemorated God’s provision for the people of Israel during their journey through the desert, is now seen in the context of Jesus’ life and mission, who is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises.
In conclusion, reflecting on sin, truth, belief, and human existence invites us to consider our relationship with God and how biblical teachings remain relevant in our modern world. Every aspect of our lives, from faith to understanding reality and cultural changes, is intertwined with the eternal truth we find in Jesus.